go backother_blogs.html
I think some of the most interesting reading you can find on the internet is found in personal blogs (besides this one). Unfortunately it's becoming less and less likely that people stumble upon these blogs as the SEO-filled garbage articles continue to pollute the ocean of search results.
Thus, I feel it's important to take a lesson from the webrings of the past and link to blogs I think are interesting -- that way if someone stumbles upon my little garden of nonsense they can fall down a rabbit hole of cool stuff that I like to read.
TL;DR check out these cool blogs (in no particular order)
systemoflevers.com - Wild Gameboy stuff
wiki.xxiivv.com - The various interesting doings and thoughts of a hacker artist that lives on a boat
ninakalinina.com - Projects of a mixed media artificer
gameboycamera.com - The patron saint of all things Gameboy Camera
xeiaso.net - Highly entertaining multi-voiced blog about software / linux / tech
fabiensanglard.net - Author of cool books and deep-dives into old hardware/code
badd10de.dev - Musician / programmer with very interesting software / musical projects