Comic Thoughts: Cutting Edge

I was in a random comic store the other day and found a hard-cover standalone comic titled Cuttting Edge by Dimitri Alberti for 50% off. I like standalone comics, and I certainly like 50% off, so I picked it up.

The cover states proudly "The Italian Neil Gaiman" which is probably why it was 50% off, but I assume the comparison was with comics like Sandman, and not an open admission of sexual assault (but Italian).

The story follows a team of rich and famous people joining an international scavenger hunt for the secretive company "Leviathan". They dig in and uncover secrets and dangers, and it was honestly pretty good spy-movie stuff up until the half-way mark. After that there's a time skip and the story completely fell apart. They add in some time travel silliness and a vague antagonist and it was honestly impossible to follow what the hell was going on. I had zero attachment to the story or any of the characters by the end.

I don't know if this was a case of "this was originally going to be a whole series but we cut it short", or just a disjointed mess from inception, but I can't recommend it.