Project Updates: Mar 26 2024

I figured it may as good a time as any to pen down a list of my current projects. Work intensity has been high lately, so I don't have a terrible amount of juice to pour into after-work creative stuff, but here's what we've got cooking:

TIC-80 Game: The Tower of Einar

I've had this very simple idea for a game for a long while: platformer that's all wall-jumps and no platforms. Not sure if it will end up being particularly novel, but I spent most of January building the first 10 screens and releasing a demo.

So far it's been a real joy working with Lua and TIC-80. I've fallen out of it for a month or so, but I'm looking forward to picking it back up for round 2.

You can play the demo on or the TIC-80 website.

Static Site Generator

I maintain this website with a single .js script and a bunch of hand-written HTML files and honestly I kinda like it that way. I've got a friend, however, who's interested in maintaining a bespoke low-spec static site, but is much less enamoured by the idea of raw HTML or learning markdown.

There's a million SSG apps out there, but a good chunk of them seem to be targeting nerds like me, and I want to make something that can work without an install script, but still provide own-your-own-files autonomy, and discovered the Filesystem API in JavaScript.

If I pull this off right, I'll have a static site hosted on github pages or something that will act as a SSG for a local folder on your computer. A fun idea, I think!

Duel of Nobles

Finally, I've recently uploaded some old rules from a card game I made a while back (made is strong here, is a riff on an existing obscure game) called Duel of Nobles.

I started tweaking the rules based on some feedback from friends I got 3 years ago, and am going to work on assembling some graphics or animations or something to make the instructions a bit easier to understand.

It's a bit like playing Pokemon or YuGiOh cards, but it just uses a standard deck. You can check out the rules I posted (no pictures yet).


I've got some other big projects looming in the back of my head that I'm slowly working up the courage to start on. I don't think I have the technical or philosophical skills to pull any of them off, but working on the Tower of Einar has reminded me that just making stuff can be fun, even if it's not stellar.