I've been using up some lieu time I earned at work to do some side-gig work for a bit of extra cash lately, and I learned a couple things in the process:

  • The concept of using lieu time I earned working overtime to take time off the job I worked overtime for to do a different job is hilarious to me
  • I don't make enough money, spend too much, or things have become too expensive. I suspect a combination of all three (but maybe most heavily the second one...)
  • I can get way more done on a side-project during a single 8-hour work day than I could with 20 days' worth of weekend/after-work effort

The last point is really sticking with me -- I highly value hobby-time, but only ever give myself evening/weekend time to tackle my hobbies. This means my side-projects need to compete with chores, family time, and social events, all of which usually take priority.

Once this side-gig is up, I need to find a way to start working in a full work-day each week (or every other week) during normal work hours where I can tackle my more time-consuming side-projects or even just eat through my ever-growing backlog of books and games.